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How Fast Can Corgis Run? (Observations and Distance)

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The small-sized, short legs of corgis are amusing, no doubt. But have you ever wondered how fast they run with those legs?

How fast can corgis run?

A corgi that is healthy and well-conditioned can effectively reach speeds of up to 25 miles per hour. Interestingly, even with their small size, corgis are faster than the average adult human. Nonetheless, corgis are not primed to run for long distances, even with their impressive speed.

So, how far can corgis run? Are Pembroke Welsh corgis faster than Cardigan Welsh corgis? We answer these questions and much more in this article.

happy corgi running

How Fast Can a Corgi Run?

A healthy and well-conditioned adult corgi can sprint up to 25 miles an hour on level ground. While this might seem fast, there are dog breeds that are faster than corgis.

For instance, the Greyhound and Afghan hound can reach speeds of up to 45 and 40 miles per hour, respectively. Although corgis are slower than these dogs, they are still faster than the average speed across all breeds. In other words, there are dog breeds out there that are slower than corgis.

How Far Can Corgis Run?

A healthy and well-conditioned corgi can keep running for around 1 or 2 miles.

Although corgis are active and energetic dogs, they still have their limits. Due to their short legs and long backs, they require special considerations. Letting your corgi jog or run for long periods can be pretty challenging to them. And as they age, strenuous activities can result in severe back problems.

Due to their thick double coats, corgis are also susceptible to overheating in hot weather. This means regular breaks and plenty of water are essential.

Ensure you also check your corgi’s feet regularly for any sign of pain or limping.

Do Corgis Run Long Distances?

Corgis are sprinters, so they are not built for long-distance running. On average, they can cover a maximum of 2-3 miles in a single running session.

But due to their stature, any high speed or long-distance running can put a strain on their body.

corgi strolling at the beach

Are Pembroke Welsh Corgis Faster Than Cardigan Welsh Corgis?

There is a considerable difference between the maximum speed of the Cardigan Welsh Corgis and the Pembroke Welsh Corgis.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis can average 23 mph in a sprint. Cardigan Welsh Corgis, on the other hand, are larger-sized, and this affects their overall speed. As a result, Pembroke Welsh Corgis are faster than Cardigan Welsh Corgis.

How Do Corgis Run?

Due to their short limbs, the way corgis run is different from other dog breeds. When corgis run, they involve their entire body. While other dogs use their long legs to pick up speed, a corgi uses its body like a spring when running.

When corgis run, their front and back legs will nearly touch or overlap with each stride. In this position, the corgi is similar to a coiled spring.

Corgis push with their back legs while their front legs stretch forward. These movements leave them airborne before they land with their front legs and kick off with their back legs again.

Although this style of running is unique, it puts a lot of strain on the dog. For one, the spine does not provide enough support, and the limbs experience increased stress.

10 Tips for Running With Corgis

1. Limit the Running Distance

corgi running on snow

When you take your corgi for a run, ensure it does not run more than 3 miles. Anything above 3 miles will tire your corgi out.

So, if you are going for a long-distance run, avoid taking your corgi along with you.

2. Try Different Routes

When you go running with your corgi, avoid following the same route repeatedly. Your corgi will get bored and will not want to continue running.

To ensure your corgi expends energy while running, ensure you take it on different routes. You can either change the routes totally or partially. This change will ensure your corgi is not bored when you go for a run.

3. Do Not Allow Your Corgi Run On the Pavement

Another thing to consider when running with your corgi is the running surface. If you let your corgi run on hard surfaces like pavements, their paws will suffer a lot. As a result, its bone health will begin to deteriorate.

If you go running with your corgi, try to avoid long distances on pavement. And if this is unavoidable, let your corgi walk instead.

4. Carry Food and Water for Your Corgi

thirsty corgi drinking water

When you take your corgi out for a run, ensure you go with enough water and food for your dog. So, when your corgi becomes exhausted, you can feed it to help it rejuvenate.

5. Look Out for Signs of Discomfort

If you notice your corgi is experiencing any discomfort or pain, stop your corgi from running immediately.

Your corgi might be experiencing excessive pressure on its spine or a pulled muscle. You should consult a vet if this happens.

6. Watch Out for Signs of Sunstroke

When running with your corgi, you also need to look out for signs of sunstroke. Some symptoms of sunstroke include uncoordinated movement, panting, drooling, and vomiting.

If you observe any of these symptoms, stop running and take your corgi out of the sun. You may also need to visit your vet.

7. Give Your Corgi Joint Supplements

corgin standing by

If you go running with your corgi regularly, you may need to get some joint supplements for it. Giving your corgi joint supplements frequently reduces the risk of bone and joint-related problems.

Before you give your corgi joint supplements, ensure you get them prescribed from a vet. Avoid giving your corgi just any joint supplement you come across, as this may be detrimental.

8. Do Not Allow Puppies to Run

If your corgi is less than 18 months old, do not take it out for a run. Corgis around this age will find running uncomfortable.

Corgis less than 18 months are pretty easy to carry around. So, if you need to go anywhere with your corgi at this age, simply carry it along with you.

9. Prevent Older Corgis From Running

corgi back view walking

Do not take corgis older than 7 years old for a run. At this age, the bones of these dogs are weak and prone to several health problems.

If you let your corgi run at this age, it can sustain severe injuries. So, when you take your older corgi out, avoid any activity that requires running.

10. Do Not Take a Recuperating Corgi for a Run

If your corgi is recovering from a surgery or illness, you should avoid taking it for a run. A recuperating corgi needs to rest as much as possible.

Final Take

Despite their small size and short legs, corgis are fast runners. On level ground, corgis can reach speeds of up to 25 mph, which is quite impressive.

Despite how fast they are, corgis are not built for long-distance running. As a result, you should not take your corgi for a run that exceeds 3 miles.
